New look website

Many changes to the website you may have noticed since your last visit. This has been an overhaul that existed in my head for years and took many months to make happen.

Overall the changes reflect a desire to make the site easier to use both on desktop and mobile devices.

Some of the changes like removing the main sliding gallery have been made with mixed emotions as I regret showing less large images overall but had to make some tweaks in the name of speed and loading improvements as my site was lagging.

There is now more information on the site but without different sections/pages for a cleaner look. I tried to replace text with visuals when possible as well in an aid to make the site more mobile friendly as well.

I hope you will like it; if you are interested in prints, I think you will now see and understand much clearer the products available which was my primary goal.

Some other minor adjustments are still in progress, so expect some additional changes in the next couple of weeks.

Matt ReynoldsComment